Here's the September installment of my "Educating the new members and refreshing the existing members" series. This topic was definitely the most singular attraction for me becoming a Rotarian. Please visit the District and RI websites for additional insight regarding the 24 simple words I'm about to discuss.

24 simple words. That's it.


24 simple words that we recite at the beginning of every club meeting.


24 simple words that you could and probably should use in running your business.


24 simple words that can help you deal with and teach to your children.


24 simple words for every day use.


24 simple words.


          Is it the TRUTH?

          Is it FAIR to all concerned?

          Will it build GOODWILL and BETTER FRIENDSHIPS?

          Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?


That's it.


Do you know what these 24 words make? They comprise the ethics standard that Rotary International adopted in 1943.

The Four-Way Test

The Four-Way Test was created in 1932 by Rotarian Herbert J. Taylor (pictured above). He was challenged with delivering a company from the prospect of filing bankruptcy back to normalcy. Needing a standard to lead the employees back from the brink he penned these 24 simple words. Herbert also went on to serve as President of Rotary International.


These words allow me to wake up every morning and look in the mirror and know, without question, that I can face the challenges of the day. That I won't ever have to doubt the things I say as they are always the TRUTH. That I can develop my staff in a way that they can handle situations with confidence as they try to be FAIR no matter what the situation. My neighbors, customers and competitors will begin to understand that my actions and words strive to develop GOODWILL and build BETTER FRIENDSHIPS instead of gossip and malcontent. Everyone around me will see that I am more concerned that what I do will be BENEFICIAL to all instead of just me.


I challenge everyone in our club to adopt this standard not just at Rotary but in everything that you do.


It's not that difficult to do.


In fact, it's simply 24 words.