Meeting of the Kingman Rotary Club: Jan 30, 2008
Bill DeJulio was inducted as the Kingman Rotary Club's newest member. Welcome Bill and thank you Ferry for this new addition to our club.
- The February 6 Meeting of the Kingman Rotary Club will be held at the Mohave County Administrative Building at 11:30 AM. Don't forget!!
- Billy and Jack returned from the Wheelchair Project down south excited and jazzed about what they saw and participated in. They will be presenting a bit to us soon.
- Charlie's daughter Paige recently placed 4th overall for the K-1 division in the PF Change Marathon (not to mention being the first female finisher)! Congratulations Paige!!
- We are still looking for either a new Treasurer or new Editor. If either sounds like fun to you please contact Cullen or Art.
- ATTENTION BBQ COMMITTEE MEMBERS: Dimitri will be holding a committee meeting directly after the March 5 Kingman Rotary Meeting. Please make sure you attend this meeting.
Our recent RYLA attendees visited us and told us a little bit about their experiences at RYLA
Rotary Minute
Everyone is familiar with the Rotary motto "Service above Self", but do you know the second motto? It is "He profits most who serves best."
Student Rotarian
Anna Hibbard, our outgoing Student Rotarian, gave a humurous speech on how her desire to NOT be a teacher has influenced her path. She talked about how, through her various pursuits, she found that she was always taking a teacher role, but was determined not to be a teacher. In the end, Anna realized her path in life and is now pursuing exactly that role.
Best of luck to you Anna and thank you for stopping by our club to speak!
Dana invited Coral Lloyd, the City of Kingman Finance Director, to speak to us briefly about the City's revenue sources.
Coral first spoke about the Home Rule Option, which allows a municipality to exclude certain services from a state imposed maximum spending limit. The Home Rule Option is coming up for approval again this May at the general election. She explained that Kingman has approved a home rule option for the last several years for the City's water and sewer. This service is one that actually pays for itself.
Coral explained briefly that Kingman's primary source of revenue is city sales tax (2%), but that 20% of Kingman's revenue is from state sharing of sales and income tax. She also noted that there are one or more projects in Kingman that were funded through a secondary property tax levy (bond) and are still being paid. Additionally, the City of Kingman receives some of its funds from services that it offers, i.e., building fees, parks and recreation fees, business licenses, etc.
Finally Coral wrapped up with a Q&A session.
Thank you Dana and Coral for the introspective on Kingman's revenue sources!
- Nadine (Guest of Mo)
- Joan (Guest of Roger)
- Ellis (Honorary Rotarian)
- Rebecca
- Brent Potter (RYLA Sponsor)
- Nicole (Guest of Cullen)
- Mike Warner (Guest of Bill)
- Kirby (Honorary Rotarian)
- Anna Hibbard (Student Rotarian)
- Kyle Keller (Student Rotarian)
- Jeff Bergeson (Guest of Dave)
- Tammy (Guest of Charlie)
- Paige (Guest of Charlie)
- Sandy (Guest of Guest of Phil)
- Shelly (Guest of Moon)
Thank you to all of the members that helped with duties today!
- 50/50 Ticket Sales
- Paul
- Fine Collection
- Randy
- Invocation
- Brian
- Song
- Wink