Meeting of the Kingman Rotary Club: Jul 02, 2008
John invited Pat Carlin, the Vice Chairman of the Kingman Unified School District Governing Board, to tell us a little bit about the current status of the new high school construction being undertaken under the School Bond. The current White Cliffs Middle School, formerly the Kingman High School South Campus, and previously THE high school has been selected as the future site for the district's new high school. The current structure is outdated and will be refurbished and updated to modern standards and additional buildings will be constructed so that the campus will be able to house approximately 1400 students. Additionally, the existing athletic fields will be improved under this project to offer regulation baseball, football and track fields.
For more information any time, contact Oz or Roger and they should be able to connect you. Thank you John and Pat for your informative presentation.
- Art was awarded with his certificate for perfect attendance and award for his outstanding efforts as Club Treasurer for so long. Thank you Art!
- Jack was presented his certificate for the wheelchair that was donated by our club in his name. Thanks for being such a great member and always going above and beyond!
- Cathy was awarded the certficate for the wheelchair donated in the name of Herb Gollis in his memory
- The next Rotary Governing Board will meet at 6:30 PM, July 14 2008 at Jack's residence. As usual, this meeting is open to any interested members and is a great way to do a make up.
- The District is still in search for individuals who are wheelchair bound and are interested in making up part of the outgoing GSE team. If you know anyone that may be interested, please contact Billy
- We are looking for a chairperson for our Vocational Fund. If you are interested in finding a way to increase your involvement and help out the club, please contact any board member about this exciting opportunity.
Thank you to all of the members that helped with duties!
Raffle Tickets - Eric, Invocation - Cathy, Song - Wink, Fines - Cullen