Meeting of the Kingman Rotary Club: July 09, 2008
Jeff presented our program, "Can't See a Lick" in which he discussed two forms of macular degeneration, "wet" and "dry" (the actual names of which were considerably longer and were more difficult to pronounce), showed us some optical illusions and recounted a bit about his recent mission trip to El Salvador.
Jeff covered the effects that both of these malodies manifest and discussed the causes. Macular degeneration in its "wet" form appears to the affected individual as a cigarette burn in the middle of the line of vision or focal point and is typically caused by a hemorage or burst blood vessel in a particular location in the eye. The "dry" form of macular degeneration is caused by waste "garbage" building up in the eye over time as a biproduct of regular metabolic activities. This form results in a generally deteriorated and blurried view for the beholder.
Jeff pointed out that the best preventative measure is a healthy lifestyle and diet. Diets rich in certain carotenoids and vitamins A, C, and E may reduce the risk of developing macular degeneration. In addition, activities that reduce healthy oxidation may increase one's chances of developing macular degeneration, especially in its "wet" form.
Jeff also showed a handful of optical illusions which begged us to wonder how much faith we can really put in our own eyes. Finally Jeff told us a little bit about his recent trip to Central America where various professionals donated their time to bring health services to underprivelaged El Salvadorians and showed us some photos from his trip.
Thanks for the great presentation Jeff, it was certainly eye opening (and eye preserving)!
- William was awarded with his wheel chair certificate for his years of service to our club and to the District. Thanks for all of your hard work and dedication to Rotary ideals and fellowship!
- The next Rotary Governing Board will meet at 6:30 PM, July 14 2008 at Jack's residence. As usual, this meeting is open to any interested members and is a great way to do a make up.
- The District is still in search for individuals who are wheelchair bound and are interested in making up part of the outgoing GSE team. If you know anyone that may be interested, please contact Billy
- We are looking for a chairperson for our Vocational Fund. If you are interested in finding a way to increase your involvement and help out the club, please contact any board member about this exciting opportunity.
- Reminder: this July 30 is the fifth Wednesday of the month, and as is tradition, you are encouraged to bring your significant others to that meeting. Don't forget! :)
- District Governor Charlie Teagarden will be visiting our club this September 3, so please sure to attend and show your support.
- Mission Bank and the MCC Chancellor are both interested in providing programs in the near future. If anyone would like to invite one of these two to speak, please contact Billy.
Thank you to all of the members that helped with duties!
Raffle Tickets - Phil, Invocation - Jeff, Song - Wink, Fines - Randy