"Do I Look Like a Daddy to You?"

Cullen and Delaney Cullen offered our program this week. He talked about some of the lessons that his parents passed on to him, as well as a number of other lessons that life taught him. Then he switched modes and talked a little bit about computer and software security.


A couple of the lessons that Cullen imparted included the Golden Rule, "Lead by Example", and "Expect no less from others than what you expect from yourself." He explained the importance of those lessons in his own life and his observation that those lessons often seem neglected these days.

Cullen outlined several different types of "malicious" computer activity including: hacking, cracking, license violations, malware and viruses. He explained the importance of reading the terms and conditions of software prior to installation as well as the importance of NOT opening email attachments unless you are expecting them. He pointed out that individuals should be particularly wary of attachments ending in WMV, EXE, and ZIP. Cullen also warned against pop up messages claiming lack of virus protection or infection as well as unexpected instant messenger hyper-links in conversations.

Thank you Cullen for the presentation!


  • The Semi-Annual Trash Pick Up is approaching. JC has scheduled the event for October 4th, so slot it down on your calendar. We will meet at the Castlerock Pizzaria at 8:30 AM and do our thing!
  • The next Board meeting will be held at 6:30 PM on October 7th. The location is TBD.
  • Please don't forget that the District Governor's visit will be next week. We would love to have perfect attendance for this occasion and honor our new District Governor.
  • We will be organizing a new October fundraiser in cooperation with Cerbat Lanes. It will be a Halloween-type theme and should be lots of fun. A sign up sheet for volunteers has already gone around once, but if you missed it, please grab it at the next meeting and sign up.
  • We have gotten in some stylish new Rotary hats. They're a steal at only $10, so contact Moon to get yours today!


  • Kirby (Honorary Member)
  • Ferry (Honorary Member)
  • Krystal Reeves


Thank you to all of the members that helped with duties!

Raffle Tickets - John, Invocation - Jeff, Song - Cathy, Fines - Billy, Attendance - Jack