Here is the second installment of my "Educating New Members about Rotary." My goal is to do at least one story a month dedicated to educating members, new or not so new.


In case you didn't get a chance to catch the August issue of The Rotarian here is the link for Rotary Basics.

It's in pdf format so make sure you have Adobe Reader on your computer. If you need Adobe Reader, you can download it for free at:

The 2007-08 edition of Rotary Basics, the annual guide to all things Rotary, is an eight-page publication that has been updated with new facts and figures for the Rotary year, and now boasts a more user-friendly look.

In addition to providing a crash course in Rotary history and demystifying RI terms, Rotary Basics is a thorough introduction to RI and Rotary Foundation programs and membership benefits and responsibilities.

Highly recommended for the newer member or as a refresher for those long standing members.